
SMPD Diode


ISOPLUS-SMPD™ package is the IXYS’ answer to the challenge to make designer’s life easier as it provides an SMD
device featuring:

·  4 kV isolation to heatsink

·  low thermal impedance for good cooling by only 0.38 mm thick ceramic

·  more than 4 mm creepage distance from pin to mounting surface

·  up to 7 mm creepage from pin to pin (depending on package type)

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PartNumber Division CircuitDiagram        /DiodeType Voltage(V)/VCES(V) ID(AV)M        TC=90°C(A) FigNo. Config Ckt Diag Package      Style Status
DPG60B600LB IXYS POWER Rectifier 600 60 X030a 1-Phase Bridge DPG...B... SMPD Active/New Product
DLA100B1200LB IXYS POWER Rectifier 1200 124 X030a 1-Phase Bridge DLA...B... ISOPLUS-SMPD™-B Active/New Product
DMA90U1800LB IXYS POWER Rectifier 1800 99 X030a 3-Phase Bridge DMA...U... ISOPLUS-SMPD™-B Active/New Product
DSA120X150LB IXYS POWER Schottky 150 2x 75 X030a Dual DSA...X... ISOPLUS-SMPD™-B Active/New Product
DSA120X200LB IXYS POWER Schottky 200 2x 65 X030a Dual DSA...X... ISOPLUS-SMPD™-B Active/New Product
DHG60U1200LB IXYS POWER SONIC 1200 63 X030a 3-Phase Bridge DHG...U... ISOPLUS-SMPD™-B New Product in DeV